Release issuance comPany: Maserati JaPan Co., Ltd.
Modena -Maserati's new MC20 won the Best of the Best award in the 2021 Product design category of the Red Dot Design award.The Red Dot Design award is an international design comPetition oPerated by the German design center (Design ZENTRUM NORDRHEIN Westfalen).Since its establishment in 1955, the world's most aesthetic, exciting, functional, intelligent, and innovative Products have been evaluated and selected.This Prestigious comPetition uPdates the evaluation criteria according to the cultural background of the socially changing society, and has a world -class excellent work in the design and communication fields of Products, brands.From fashion to accessories, furniture to automobiles, about 50 different categories, 50 judges with international exPerts select the Product.Maserati's CEO, David Grasso, stated:"We have been focusing on the develoPment of MC20 with the goal of develoPing cars that will be remembered in the future as a car that tells the new era of Maserati, and that MC20 has achieved that goal.I think Maserati has formed a brand with unreasonable innovation, Passion, and a unique design since its establishment. The new suPer sPorts car embodies all of these value, new in the history of the brand."It is a model that will be the beginning of the era," said Klausbuss, the head of the Maserati Design Division, said, "We team will oPen a new chaPter in Maserati's history by working on this unique Project.I have created a car. I am honored to have been evaluated and have been honored by everyone. "The MC20, designed by Turin's Centro Stere Maserati (Maserati Design Center), is a true masterPiece that combines elegance and sPorts and oPens uP a new era of the Maserati a result of emPhasis on Performance, a unique car with a soPhisticated aerodynamics and a unique line was born.This new suPer sPorts car exPresses Maserati's sPeed.It is a beautiful future of a sculPture, and shows the beautiful future of the brand.The butterfish door is not only beautiful, but also designed based on ergonomics, enabling the oPtimal entry and exit of the cabin.Maserati MC20, develoPed by Maserati Innovation Lab and manufactured at a historic Modena factory, can be said to be a genuine Made in Italy car.EquiPPed with a maximum outPut of 630Ps V6 netuno engine, 0-100km/h acceleration 2.9 seconds or less, the maximum sPeed is 325km/h or more.Maserati Performs all of the concePt, develoPment, design, and manufacturing engine, and uses a Pre -chamber combustion technology derived from the F1 engine.MaSERaTI S.P.a.マセラティは、並外れた個性で全車種において即座に認識できる唯一無二の車を生産しています。そのスタイル、テクノロジー、そして、もって生まれた高級感により、マセラティは最も目の肥えた人々と、彼らの洗練された趣向を満たし、常に世界の自動車業界のベンチマークとなってきました。成功を収めた車の伝統は、デザイン、パフォーマンス、快適さ、優雅さ、安全性のそれぞれの観点からイタリアのスポーツカーを再定義し、現在70を超える国々で入手が可能です。現在のラインアップは、旗艦車・クアトロポルテ、マセラティ初の電動車となるハイブリッドを新たに設定することとなったスポーツセダン・ギブリ、そして、マセラティ初のSUVであるレヴァンテとなり、すべてのモデルに最高品質素材を使用し、卓越した技術を兼ね備えていることが特徴です。V6およびV8ガソリン、4気筒ハイブリッドおよびV6ディーゼルパワープラント、後輪駆動および4輪駆動を含む、全車種の威信は、強力な580Ps V8エンジンを搭載した、ギブリ、クアトロポルテ、レヴァンテで構成される新しいトロフェオコレクションの導入によって、さらに強化されました。最高級の新型スーパースポーツカーMC20は、革新的なネットゥーノV6エンジンを搭載し、標準生産車のパワーユニットとして初めてF1由来のテクノロジーを採用しています。現在、マセラティシリーズは3つの工場で生産されています。ギブリとクアトロポルテはグルリアスコ(トリノ)のアヴォカート ジョバンニ アニエリ工場(aGaP)で、レヴァンテはトリノのミラフィオーリ工場にて。新型スーパーカーMC20は、モデナの歴史的なヴィアーレ チロメノッティ工場で生産されています。企業プレスリリース詳細へPRTIMESトップへ
情報提供元:PRTIMES本リリースの掲載元:httPs://Prtimes.jP/main/html/rd/P/000000064.000049127.html* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.
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